What if AI can help us be more human?

Human Dev is a small team working in applied AI. We are applying AI at the application layer for humans.

AI has raised real questions about the future nature of humanity. What will happen to our lives when AI is better at so many things than we are? Will we still have purpose?? 

While it’s become contemporary norm to question, we believe LLM and AI technology will:

  1. Remove many time burdens from our lives, and
  2. Interact so naturally with people that we feel, act, and are more human.

We’re working on the latter. AI is bridging the last gaps between computing and human interfaces - natural language, visual communication, and storytelling. As a team we spent years unlocking human conversation virtually. And we deeply examined how people are technically more connected online, but feel disconnected and more alone than ever.

We believe the answer lies in the voice in our own heads. And being able to say it out loud.

Our goal is to help people express their humanity and be more human.